Asbestos is a product that has been linked to severe diseases, illnesses, and deaths. Asbestos was formerly regarded as safe, noting practical applications such as durability and fire resistance. Unfortunately, asbestos has since been identified as an extremely toxic substance that may lead to debilitating illnesses and diseases, including cancer. The most deadly asbestos exposure-related disease is called Mesothelioma, a disease whose cause has been linked to asbestos fiber exposure. Each year, thousands of people are diagnosed with asbestos-related Mesothelioma and Asbestosis.
Porter Malouf, P.A. has represented numerous clients affected by asbestos-induced illnesses and diseases. Our Mississippi mesothelioma lawyer has achieved record verdicts and settlements. For example, our law firm obtained one of the largest asbestos-related personal injury verdicts – $150,000,000.

Mesothelioma is a very rare type of cancer that grows within the body’s mesothelium.
The mesothelium is the membrane covering your internal organs. This form of cancer creates cells that rapidly multiply, and many spread from the localized tumor to other parts of the body. Symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain, anemia, fever, abnormal blood clotting, and others depending on the location of the cancer tumors.
One of the most common mesothelioma causes is environmental exposure to asbestos fibers in the workplace. In some cases, victims of asbestos-related illness and disease have been exposed to asbestos fibers in their homes, apartment, or condominium.
The workplace environment is the most common cause of acquired mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses and diseases. Employees in the mining, shipbuilding, construction, automotive, heating and cooling, and asbestos manufacturing industries have an increased chance of toxic exposure to asbestos dust and fibers. The longer the exposure to asbestos, the greater possibility of contracting mesothelioma or an asbestos-related illness.
In addition to workplace dangers, there may be an increased risk at home as asbestos dust and fibers may remain on employee clothing, hair, and shoes.
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